Friday, July 27, 2012

Tekkit Hack Client 3.1.1

Hello Everyone!
Features of this Client:
Click/Drag/Pin/ReSize/ToolTip/Hover GUI - Soon to be color customizable!
 Predictive Console - Type in and it will print results for commands 
Integrated Friends system - Add and remove friends with ease, it will also save and load your friends instantly![You can also click on there name in the GUI to remove them | Friends have different tracer lines] Snug fitted array - drawn in the top right corner, always know whats enabled! Text radar - Smooth looking and color changing on blocks between other players! 
Crasher [Type -crash in console or chat] - May just lag the server out, depending on its strength
 Run - Run really fast 
Jump - Jump as high, and as much as you want 
Fly - Fly around real fast! NoFall - no fall damage 
Step - Step up walls Jetpack - Keep jumping, never stop!
Sneak - Send sneak packets without slowing down 
NoSwing - Dont show your arm swinging 
Spider - Climb up walls 
Derp - Derp the fuck out NoWeb - Web doesnt hold you back 
Glide - Same as spider, good for gliding down edges
 Jesus - Walk on water like a badass
 Freecam - Go into freecam mode and fly around and scout.
 Kill aura - Super fast to destroy the enemy 
Xray - show ALL ores[Including tekkit ones]
 Fullbright - See in the dark 
Box - Box ESP Tracer - 
Tracer ESP 
ChestBox -
 Chest ESP
 ChestTracer - Chest Tracer ESP Speed - Speed up the player
 Instant - Dont have to continuously hit blocks 
Nuker - Nukes blocks you click, but may cause crashing at some point
 Aimbot - Aim at any entity Auto sword - Change to your sword when you attack an entity
 Day - force day light Mine - mine faster then normal 
Render - Doesnt Render drops[Broken, will be fixed soon]
 Timer - Speeds up the game Wallhack - Show entitys though walls.[Broken]

Download here now!

**Link to website of the creator is in the download file.Credits to Callum


  1. I complete the offers but no download link

    1. If you did complete an offer, please do message me on the site with a picture of that you have completed the offer and I will manually send the file to you.

  2. Can you just to adfly?
    Or just share it for free?
